Call For Workshops


We invite researchers and practitioners to submit workshop proposals to Augmented Humans 2025. Workshops are half-day (~4 hours) or full-day (~8 hours) events where organisers can bring together a select community of colleagues with the aim of discussing and advancing a topic of interest that aligns with the themes and aims of Augmented Humans 2025.


Workshop proposals should be up to 4 pages in the single column format (excluding references and author bios) and should not be anonymized (see Calls for Participation for templates and guidelines).

Proposals should include:

Background and relevance to the conference

Provide a description of the research/industrial/social context around the topic, the problem area that the workshop will address, and how the workshop will contribute to and advance the themes/topics of interest of Augmented Humans 2025.

Content of Workshop

Provide a description of the workshop activities. This should include what attendees will do during the workshop, if there will be presentations (including keynote/invited speakers), and who will run/coordinate each part of the workshop. Please include any on-site requirements you will have, such as projectors, power sockets, furniture, accessibility, etc.

Augmented Humans 2025 will be an in-person event, however, if any workshop intends to contain an online/remote component, please describe this in your workshop submission. In these cases, workshop organisers will be responsible for arranging, hosting, and running these aspects; basic technical support will be available from the conference venue regarding network access, audio-visual connectivity and on-site facilities, but additional support cannot be guaranteed.

Goals and Outcomes

What are the goals of the workshop, and what will the outcomes be? Outcomes include outputs (such as shared publications, position papers or journal special issues), research artefacts (design spaces, challenges or opportunities), social/industrial impact activities, among many others.


Explain how long the workshop will be (either in hours or half-day/full-day), a full schedule of each workshop activity, and taking account of breaks.

Recruitment & Reviewing

Please describe how many attendees the workshop will have, who you will invite to submit papers to your workshop, and how you will reach/recruit them, including a draft call for participation. How will you conduct the process of reviewing and accepting submissions? Please also describe how you will support an accessible and inclusive workshop. Due to room capacity, workshops will be limited to a maximum of 20 on-site participants, including organisers.

Organizer Biographies

Please provide biographies of all workshop organisers, indicating a primary contact.


*Submissions can be made via EasyChair.

Reviewing and Selection

Each proposal will be independently reviewed by two workshop chairs based on the following criteria:

• The relevance of the topics to the conference

• The proposed depth of discussion

• Inclusion of interactive activities to foster discussion

• Feasibility of the proposed scheduling

• Quality of proposed outcomes

The organisers of all accepted workshop proposals will need to create a website to advertise and host information on their event, containing details about the workshops purpose and activities, calls for participation, organiser bios, etc. A link to each website will be provided on the Augmented Humans 2025 Workshops page.


Accepted Workshop proposals will be published on the ACM Digital Library. All accepted workshop papers should be published on arXiv, and the corresponding submission process to arXiv will be coordinated by workshop organisers. While it is expected that most workshop paper authors will be automatically eligible to publish on arXiv, some may need to be “Endorsed” by existing arXiv endorsers. See for details.