Special Fast Track Cfp


We have created a special track to facilitate the fast publication of papers that went through the CHI R&R process and were not accepted for the final proceedings.

You can submit these papers via EasyChair using the Augmented Humans 2025 Special Fast Track CfP. The submission deadline for this track is 27th January 2025. Decision notifications will be sent by the 13th of February 2025, and authors must prepare a camera-ready version by the 27th of February 2025.

Submission Guidelines

You will have to submit two documents:

1) The paper with highlighted changes.

2) A zip folder containing all supplementary files. This includes the paper without highlights, a summary of changes (up to 5000 characters) submitted to CHI, the reviews received from CHI, and any video files.

Please note that submissions lacking the required files, summary of changes, or CHI reviews will be subject to desk rejection.


Submissions can be made via EasyChair.

Reviewing and Selection

You will get a Meta review from program chairs. Program chairs will hold a discussion to finalise the decision based on the CHI reviews that you submit along with the paper and the paper’s suitability for Augmented Humans conference.